Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
KidZone is our safe, secure, fun area where children birth through fifth grade learn that God made them for His glory, that He loves them, and that Jesus wants to be their forever friend. Whether it is a Sunday, Wednesday, or any other program we have a great time.

Character Trait of the month
Who Have you helped today?
Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Philippians 2:4
Philippians 2:4

9:15am-10:15 am
Our Nursery ministry cares for children from birth through 35 months.
Our Nursery ministry cares for children from birth through 35 months.
Bible Study
Sunday School classes are age-specific and offered for children from 3 years old through fifth graded every Sunday morning. Every classroom uses a Bible-based curriculum that has been intentionally selected for the quality that it brings to the table. The curriculum will be presented to the children by trained, loving teachers with a heart for children.
Sunday School classes are age-specific and offered for children from 3 years old through fifth graded every Sunday morning. Every classroom uses a Bible-based curriculum that has been intentionally selected for the quality that it brings to the table. The curriculum will be presented to the children by trained, loving teachers with a heart for children.
10:15-10:30 am
The Transition from Bible Study to Church
At the end of the Bible Study hour, children preschool and up will go to the main sanctuary to start the Worship hour with their parents. Partway through the service, all children are encouraged to go to children’s church.
At the end of the Bible Study hour, children preschool and up will go to the main sanctuary to start the Worship hour with their parents. Partway through the service, all children are encouraged to go to children’s church.
10:30-11:45 AM
Our Nursery ministry cares for children from birth through 35 months.
Our Nursery ministry cares for children from birth through 35 months.
Lil' Kids Church
Lil' Kids Church is a time for children 36 months through Kindergarten. This service is designed with younger children in mind. they have a time of worship, followed by a time of prayer, then we include a lesson that matches ideas taught in Children's Church but in a manner that is appropriate for the younger age group.
Lil' Kids Church is a time for children 36 months through Kindergarten. This service is designed with younger children in mind. they have a time of worship, followed by a time of prayer, then we include a lesson that matches ideas taught in Children's Church but in a manner that is appropriate for the younger age group.
Children’s Church
Children’s Church is a time for children 1st through 5th grade to be able to worship God on their level. This service is designed with children in mind. They have a time of worship, followed by a time of prayer, then we include a sermon with an opportunity for the children to respond to what the Lord is doing in their hearts.
Children’s Church is a time for children 1st through 5th grade to be able to worship God on their level. This service is designed with children in mind. They have a time of worship, followed by a time of prayer, then we include a sermon with an opportunity for the children to respond to what the Lord is doing in their hearts.

KidZone Bible Clubs
Clubs meet every Wednesday evening from 6:00-7:30 during the school year. We purposefully follow the school calendar with this ministry to give each child the opportunity to be as successful as possible in their Bible education as well as allowing families the opportunity to take time to celebrate the holidays. The clubs that we have included are;
Lil' Tikes Birth-35months
PeeWees 3-4 year olds
Primary K5-2nd grade
Intermediate 3rd-5th grade
Our Bible club teaches children through Bible-based lessons engaging children in Bible stories as well as Bible memorization, and council time. While this is a serious mission, we believe it should also be fun for the children. Therefore, we include game time, and special events!
Lil' Tikes Birth-35months
PeeWees 3-4 year olds
Primary K5-2nd grade
Intermediate 3rd-5th grade
Our Bible club teaches children through Bible-based lessons engaging children in Bible stories as well as Bible memorization, and council time. While this is a serious mission, we believe it should also be fun for the children. Therefore, we include game time, and special events!
Summer Bible Study
Our Summer Bible Study also meets every Wednesday from 6:30-7:30 during the summer. The only exceptions to this is the week of VBS. This Bible study is in primarily a large group format with a Bible story, games, snack time, and a time for questions and answers. We believe that when children are encouraged to ask questions they begin to take ownership of the beliefs they form.
Our volunteer spotlights allow site visitors to know a little about the people working with our children two people at a time. The spotlight changes monthly so be on the lookout for the next member of our children's team!

Videos from VBS 2022
Sunday Video
Monday Video
Tuesday Video
Wednesday Video
Thursday Video
A Video from camp 2022
Regular Fellowship Outings
As a ministry, it is our goal to offer regular times of fellowship, above and beyond our regularly scheduled Sunday and Wednesday services. These times together allow the children to foster healthy relationships with people their age and at the same time provides the families with the comfort of knowing that the event is going to be guided by someone with strong Christian beliefs.
Summer Camp
We are participating in CentriKids Camp that is designed for children that have completed 2nd grade through completed 6th grade. When going to this camp the children will leave for camp on a Monday and return on a Friday evening. This camp is sure to be a high energy camp with plenty of opportunities for personal experiences with God.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a Bible-centered Sunday – Thursday in the summer that is sure to get children talking about who God is in their life. We typically do ours from 5:30 – 8:00 PM with a commencement ceremony on the following Sunday morning during the regular worship hour. VBS includes a worship rally, crafts, music, Bible study, games, missions time, and snack time. With everything that goes on during our VBS, it is not something that is for the faint of heart.
As a ministry, it is our goal to offer regular times of fellowship, above and beyond our regularly scheduled Sunday and Wednesday services. These times together allow the children to foster healthy relationships with people their age and at the same time provides the families with the comfort of knowing that the event is going to be guided by someone with strong Christian beliefs.
Summer Camp
We are participating in CentriKids Camp that is designed for children that have completed 2nd grade through completed 6th grade. When going to this camp the children will leave for camp on a Monday and return on a Friday evening. This camp is sure to be a high energy camp with plenty of opportunities for personal experiences with God.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a Bible-centered Sunday – Thursday in the summer that is sure to get children talking about who God is in their life. We typically do ours from 5:30 – 8:00 PM with a commencement ceremony on the following Sunday morning during the regular worship hour. VBS includes a worship rally, crafts, music, Bible study, games, missions time, and snack time. With everything that goes on during our VBS, it is not something that is for the faint of heart.